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What Is a ‘Pelvic Tilt’?

A Pelvic Tilt is often described as some form of rotation at the Hip Joint which progresses to alter the alignment of the Lumber (Lower) Spine. For example, Anterior Pelvic Tilting, where the Hips are rotated forwards, strengthening Lumber Lordosis, where your Glutes stick out.

Research seems to suggest that muscle strength and weakness is behind this ‘injury’/ ‘abnormality’, and with rehabilitative care, they can be resolved under most parameters. Other research also suggests that up to 85% of men and 75% of women have a degree of Anterior Pelvic Tilt but are asymptomatic (it is not causing pain or causing pain when moving a certain way).

The most common ‘cause’ is shortened Hip Flexors and lengthened Hip Extensors, and so the exercises and stretches which are used to combat this specifically have the focus of “Hip Flexor Lengthening” and “Hip Extensor Shortening”.

Some examples described include;

1. Squats

2. Pelvic Tilts

3. “Donkey Kicks”

4. Kneeling Lunge/ Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

5. Glute Bridge

6. Plank

7. Amongst a whole range of other exercises, a simple Google search throws out whole routines to work against Pelvic Tilt.

Prevention Tips (As Given by Medical News Today)

· Avoid Sitting for Prolonged Periods of Time. When sat down at a desk for long periods of time, your body relaxes into positions which aren’t considered ‘healthy’ and allows the postural muscles to adapt.

· Regularly Engage in Physical Exercise. The combination of strength and stretch exercises will prevent any unhealthy changes in muscular stability.

· Work on Your Posture Continuously. We all know to sit up straight and not slouch, so practise this as often as you can.

If you believe you are suffering from some type of Pelvic Tilt and would like assistance, please do get in touch.


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